End Feed 45° Elbow 5041

End Feed 45° Elbow 5041

Product Code



End Feed 45° Elbow

Product Type


Product Range

End Feed


CodeDesignationMass (kg)Bag QtyBox QtyTariff Code
5041.110 x 10mm----
5041.108108 x 108mm1.171574121000
5041.133133 x 133mm0.2191374121000
5041.1515 x 15mm0.011525100074121000
5041.159159 x 159mm2.5771274121000
5041.2222 x 22mm0.0271040074121000
5041.2828 x 28mm0.0451020074121000
5041.3535 x 35mm0.077510074121000
5041.4242 x 42mm0.10856074121000
5041.5454 x 54mm0.19223074121000
5041.6767 x 67mm0.312074121000
5041.7676 x 76mm0.4811874121000
Flowflex reserve the right to alter the product ranges and specifications associated with its products without prior notice

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