Coronavirus Update | Important Operational Announcement

Last Updated: Mar 31, 2020

Dear Customer,

In the light of these unprecedented times, we at Flowflex have been over recent weeks developing our plans to ensure we service our customers to the best of our ability.

As the only UK manufacturer, we have been inundated with requests to supply from all parts of the UK and Europe taking decisions that always prioritised our existing customer base.

It is quite unclear at the moment when we will see an end to the current isolation process and the end to this horrendous situation for us all, therefore we have taken a decision based on the health of our workforce and based on the current guidelines of isolation that we will close our operation for the next two weeks.

This decision has not been taken lightly and has also taken into consideration that a lot of customers and central feeders are not open for deliveries based on their communication to us.

We therefore feel that the two weeks will allow us to be more comfortable that our workforce are healthy and at that point we can ramp up our planned production to cater for the upsurge in business once the restriction are lifted or relaxed with the knowledge that we would face no real disruption.

I appreciate this may cause some service issues for you but it would be impossible to continue full production when the market is not operating to its full extent.

However, for instances of emergency we are quite prepared to support you and your customers. If this situation arises please contact us.

Any other questions on anything at all please contact myself or Craig. We would ask that to aid our planning procedures that if possible, you could place orders in advance of your current requirements for the period of April and May to which you could call off at your convenience, if you decide to do this please place each order separately or if you would like to discuss this specifically please contact me directly.


Paul Niklas

Flowflex Components LTD

Any Questions?

Our team is available for you anytime.