Heath & Safety Policy
Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 26, 2020
1. Statement Of Principles
Flowflex Components Ltd recognises the fact that health and safety has positive benefits to the organisation and commitment to a high level of safety makes good business sense. It also recognises that health and safety is a business function and must, therefore, continually progress and adapt to changes. The approach to health and safety is based upon the identification and control of risks.
As there are distinct benefits to be gained from providing a safe and healthy working environment, appropriate levels of resources will be allocated to ensuring health and safety within the organisation. A positive culture will be encouraged within the organisation and senior management shall actively support this encouragement.
The organisation will encourage all employees to identify and report hazards and where necessary, employees will be involved in any decision-making process.
A documented review of the health and safety policy is undertaken out annually or as when necessary. In order to ensure that this general statement is achieved, the following will form the company’s aims and objectives
- The company will ensure that there are arrangements put into place for the effective planning, development and review of this policy;
- Management will ensure that appropriate systems are developed and maintained for the effective communication of health and safety matters throughout the organisation;
- The company will provide the necessary information, instruction and training to employees and others to ensure their competence with respect to health and safety;
- The company will set up a system to ensure that accidents and near misses are fully investigated and appropriate action taken to reduce the likelihood of their occurrence;
- The company will ensure that procedures are established to ensure that safe equipment and plant are provided for employees and non-employees;
- To provide the necessary resources to implement our polices and keep them up to date.
- The company has put in preventative measures to ensure that it complies with government guidance on managing the risk of COVID-19
The company requires the full and active participation of all its employees in order that the aims and objectives outlined in this policy statement may be achieved. The statutory duties placed on the company and its employees are to be regarded as minimum standards.
The aim of the company is to achieve best practice in terms of health and safety.
2. Organisation
This section outlines the organisational structure that the company has in place to achieve the Statement of Principles as outlined in Part 1 of this Policy Statement. The contributions to be made by management and employees are summarised below.
1. Management Responsibilities.
1.1 Managing Director
The Managing Director has overall responsibility for health and safety and for ensuring that the company’s Health and Safety Policy is applied throughout the organisation. In fulfilling this role, the Managing Director will be advised and supported by the Directors of the company.
1.2. Directors
Directors are responsible for the effective management of health and safety and the implementation of the company’s Health and Safety Policy within their respective departments.
They must:
1.3 Health And Safety Advisor
The Health and Safety Advisor is responsible for advising the management and the employees of Flowflex Components Ltd on all aspects of health and safety; including risk assessment, accident prevention, the implementation of health and safety legislation, statutory regulations and codes of practice.
The Health and Safety Advisor’s activities and key responsibilities will include:
- Interpreting new and existing UK and EC legislation relating to health and safety matters;
- Preparing policies, codes of practice and guidance on health and safety matters for approval and adoption within the organisation;
- Monitoring the application of policies, codes of practice and guidance notes and updating such policies, codes and guidance as and when appropriate;
- To provide support and advice to management and employees on health and safety, in particular assisting management to carry out risk assessments and manage health and safety within the organisation;
- Maintain data on work related accidents or ill health arising within the organisation and ensure that statutory duties to report under the Reporting of Industrial Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) are carried out;
- Assist management in the investigation of accidents and incidents with a view to identifying measures to prevent recurrence and liase with the enforcing agencies on health and safety where necessary;
- Assist in the identification of training needs and provision of safety training;
- Arrange meetings where applicable whereby health and safety issues can be discussed, progress monitored and actions decided.
1.4 Managers And Supervisors
The responsibilities of Managers and Supervisors within the company shall be:
- To read and understand the company’s Health and Safety Policy and to ensure that its provisions are being effectively carried out;
- To ensure that employees are adequately instructed in the safe operation of equipment and machinery;
- Informing employees of their responsibilities;
- Ensuring that defective equipment is taken out of use;
- Encouraging employees to report defects and suggest improvements;
- Carrying out regular inspections of the workplace;
- Reporting accidents and near misses;
- Assisting in the investigation of accidents;
- Setting a good personal example.
1.5 Employees
All employees carry a legal obligation to take reasonable care for their health and safety and for that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions. This duty of care extends to everyone who would be at risk from his or her actions. Specific responsibilities include:
- Complying with safe working methods, instructions and training given;
- Reporting hazards found in the premises of the company;
- Reporting any accidents, other potentially serious incidents or near misses in which they are involved or that they become aware of;
- Complying with guidelines on the proper use of equipment and personal protective equipment;
- Remaining alert to health and safety risks while at work;
- Drawing attention to the need for additional health and safety procedures (or for the improvement of existing ones);
- Not interfere with or misuse any article provided in the interest of health and safety.
3. Arrangements
This part of the Policy Statement outlines the key arrangements and procedures for health and safety.
1. Fire Safety
It shall be the responsibility of the Health and Safety Advisor and the company’s Fire Marshal for ensuring that fire risk assessments are completed for all premises on site.
1.1 Fire Safety Equipment
Each workplace will be provided with appropriate fire fighting equipment (extinguishers). Additional equipment may be provided if the assessment of fire risk for any work undertaken indicates a need.
Fire extinguishers are provided primarily to assist with ensuring that the escape route is available and should only be used by competent and trained staff. The priority for employees is to raise the alarm on discovering a fire and leave the building by the nearest fire exit.
All fire extinguishers will be inspected and tested at least annually under a contract with a competent service provider.
Each workplace will be fitted with a fire alarm system consisting of a siren and flashing strobe lights in the factory area and be activated by break glass call points.
Fire doors are to prevent fire spread and protect fire exit routes and stairwells. Under no circumstances must fire doors be propped open.
1.2 Means Of Escape
Fire exits will be signed with the statutory fire exit sign (green running man). Fire exits must be freely available for use at all times when the premises are occupied. Any security arrangements must be such that the fire exit doors can be opened immediately from the inside in the event of an emergency.
Emergency lighting will be provided and maintained for fire escape routes where the risk assessment shows that it is necessary.
1.3 Fire Alarm Tests And Drills
A fire alarm test shall be carried out every week and a record will be kept. The test will be carried out at times when the premises are occupied so that staff will become familiar with the sound of the alarm.
The company will undertake a “surprise” fire drill, involving a practice evacuation at least once every 12 months and the drills will be recorded.
1.3 Action In Case Of Fire
Fire Evacuation procedures will be posted on the relevant notice boards, in addition “Fire Action Signs” will be located at strategic locations throughout the company’s premises. All personnel must familiarise themselves with this procedure.
In the event of a fire alarm and evacuation the first priority must be to escape from the building and to assemble at the designated assembly point so that a roll call can be taken.
2. Accidents And First Aid
This section covers the arrangements for the treatment of injuries and for the reporting of accidents and incidents.
2.1 First Aid Provision
It is the policy of the company to have fully trained First Aiders. The name of the First Aiders will be posted on the notice boards in each building. There will be an appropriate number of First Aid boxes and these will be under the supervision of the First Aiders and will be maintained to comply with the statutory requirements.
First Aiders are not permitted to dispense medications of any kind.
2.2 External/Medical Assistance
If an injury, or illness at work, is considered sufficiently serious to require medical attention the First Aider or the immediate Supervisor of the person concerned should seek assistance by dialling (9) 999 from the nearest available telephone. The following information should be given:
- Type and seriousness of injury or illness;
- Location and direction for vehicle access;
- Brief description of accident.
2.3 Recording And Reporting Accidents
Details of any injury received at work must be entered on to a BI 510 accident record. The record should include accidents to visitors, members of the public or contractors visiting the premises. Once completed the accident record is to be handed over to the Health and Safety Advisor.
In addition to reporting the accident on the accident record, there are certain accidents and cases of ill health that must be reported to the Enforcing Authority for Health and Safety under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR). The Health and Safety Advisor must be informed as soon as possible of any injury to an employee, visitor, member of the public or contractor that requires external medical assistance, or in the case that an employee is unable to continue normal duties as a result of an accident at work.
The Health and Safety Advisor will make any necessary arrangements for notification to the Health and Safety Enforcing Authority through the Incident Reporting Centre.
2.4 Follow-Up Action To Prevent A Recurrence Of Accidents/Incidents
In all cases it is important that accidents/incidents are investigated to see if there is action that needs to be taken to prevent a recurrence. The responsibility for investigating accidents/incidents rests with the Manager or Supervisor for the work activities involved and if necessary the details are to be recorded on the adverse event report and investigation form. This is especially important if the accident is reportable under RIDDOR.
3. Risk Assessments
Under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, the company is required to undertake risk assessments to identify any hazards at the workplace and to determine the precautions that need to safeguard those who might be at risk.
Risk assessments are within the responsibility of all Directors and Managers and are a key element in our procedures for health and safety. The Health and Safety Advisor will provide the necessary support and guidance to Directors, Managers and staff in completing risk assessments.
The company is also required to consult staff on the outcome of risk assessments. Items of general concern, or importance will be discussed through the formal health and safety meetings that are held.
4. Training
All staff will receive basic health and safety training covering the contents of this policy and the specific requirements associated with the areas within which they will be working.
The process of risk assessment will be used, as a means of identifying training needs unique to particular departments or locations.
5. Display Screen Equipment
Those employees who use display screen equipment on a regular basis have a right to a free eye test at regular intervals and the provision of any prescription spectacles or lenses that are necessary specifically for work involving display screen use. It should be noted that the company would pay only for basic prescription spectacles.
6. Manual Handling
Generic manual handling assessments will be produced for routine lifting operations carried out by staff. For staff that undertakes lifting activities regularly or which are unique to the area of work, specific training will be provided.
7. Personal Protective Equipment
Staff are expected to wear clothing that is appropriate to the tasks they normally carry out. There may however, be occasions when additional personal protective equipment is required and the company will provide for this.
8. Visitors
The company has a specific duty to safeguard the health and safety of visitors to its premises under its control and in this policy; visitors will also include contractors appointed to undertake maintenance related tasks.
As a matter of general policy all visitors must sign in and sign out and be supervised throughout the duration of their visit. The responsibility for the visitor rests with the employee the visitor is visiting. In the case of contractors carrying out work on the premises, the responsibility rests with the relevant Director.
9. Health And Well-Being
The process of risk assessment will identify any health risks associated with specific work activities and it is our policy to seek working methods that avoid any risks as far as we are able to do.
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